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Edward Hall
University of Bristol

Edward J. Hall, MA, Vet MB, PhD, DipECVIM-CA, FRCVS

Emeritus Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine, University of Bristol

A Cambridge graduate, Ed trained at the Universities of Pennsylvania and Liverpool before moving to Bristol Veterinary School in 1995. He retired from the University in 2021 but remains a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, and a RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Medicine (Gastroenterology). He is a Past President of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-04 09:00-09:45 A105-107

Internal Medicine

讲者 Vomiting dogs; a diagnostic approach
2024-09-04 09:50-10:35 A105-107

Internal Medicine

讲者 Acute pancreatitis in dogs - what's new in its diagnosis and treatment?
2024-09-05 15:55-16:40 A202-203

Internal Medicine

讲者 Blood at either end, but where from: GI bleeding?
2024-09-05 16:45-17:30 A202-203

Internal Medicine

讲者 Hard to swallow - megaoesophagus