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henry yoo
Western University

Henry K. Yoo, DVM, MSc, MBA (SNU, the Ohio State Univ. Case Western Univ)

Faculty @ Western University, USA and Consultant in Veterinary Hospital Operations and Management.  International Speaker in different conventions and Forums including London and different parts of Europe as well as USA and Canada. Visits different parts of Asia to give lectures on quality medicine and compassionate service as well as AI and Telemedicine. Authored different chapters in text books and reference book. DEI Award winner in 2022 and the most distinguished Alumni in 2023 by the Ohio State University. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-04 11:15-12:00 A101-102

Excellence in Business

讲者 PBL teaching Skills in Highly Productive Clinics & Performance-driven Teaching Hospitals
2024-09-04 12:05-12:50 A101-102

Excellence in Business

讨论 Panel – Q&A and getting business right.
2024-09-04 16:15-17:00 A101-102

Excellence in Business

讲者 3 Crucial Success Factors in Veterinary Hospital Operations: Minimum Standard, Animal Advocacy, and Best Medicine
2024-09-04 17:05-17:50 A101-102

Excellence in Business

讨论 Panel Q&A - The business benefits of a positive and happy team