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Joshua Steinhaus
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Vetiva Center for Animal Wellness

Dr. Steinhaus is a highly qualified Small Animal Internal Medicine practitioner, certified by both American and European Veterinary Internal Medicine boards. He is the only board-certified specialist in Hong Kong to have completed a fellowship in Interventional Radiology and Endoscopy. He was trained by two of the founding veterinarians of Interventional Techniques during his time at the Animal Medical Center. Dr. Steinhaus has gone through the Hemodialysis academy at the University of California – Davis. He has also assumed the role as International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) ambassador to Hong Kong. Recently, he he has opened a new large hospital, Vetiva Center for Animal Wellness, in Hong Kong. 






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-09-05 11:15-12:00 2024-09-05,11:15-12:00Stream 5

Internal Medicine

Speaker Kidney disease: when and how should I intervene? evidence based rational for treatment
2024-09-05 12:05-12:50 2024-09-05,12:05-12:50Stream 5

Internal Medicine

Speaker How has diabetes treatment changed?
2024-09-05 14:00-14:45 2024-09-05,14:00-14:45Stream 5

Internal Medicine

Speaker Changing paradigms in immune-mediated disease