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Rachel Lumbis
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University of Glasgow

Rachel qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2002. She developed an interest in companion animal nutrition, completing the City and Guild's certificate in small animal nutrition in 2006. Rachel is passionate about this aspect of veterinary care and helps to raise global awareness of the importance of optimal nutrition as a member of the WSAVA Nutrition Committee. Rachel is a former lecturer and course director for the Foundation and Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing degree programmes at the Royal Veterinary College. She is currently completing a PhD on the topic of companion animal nutrition at the University of Glasgow.






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-09-05 14:00-14:45 2024-09-05,14:00-14:45Stream 10

Promoting Excellence in Veterinary Care

Speaker Optimising nutrition care and advice: it takes a team
2024-09-05 14:50-15:35 2024-09-05,14:50-15:35Stream 10

Promoting Excellence in Veterinary Care

Speaker The benefit of Pet Health Clinics