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Krystle Reagan
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University of California Davis

Krystle Reagan is an associate professor of small animal internal medicine and Co-Director of the Veterinary Center for Clinical Trials at the University of California, Davis. She obtained her veterinary degree and PhD in microbiology at Colorado State University.  Upon graduating, she completed a small animal internal medicine residency at UC Davis and became board certified in the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. She then completed a fellowship in companion animal infectious diseases. Her areas of research include development of novel infectious disease diagnostics and therapeutics and the use of artificial intelligence/machine learning in clinical decision.






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-09-03 09:00-09:45 2024-09-03,09:00-09:45Stream 6

Preventative Health

Speaker Interpretation of wellness tests for retroviruses
2024-09-03 09:50-10:35 2024-09-03,09:50-10:35Stream 6

Preventative Health

Speaker Interpretation of wellness tests for vector-borne disease
2024-09-05 09:00-09:45 2024-09-05,09:00-09:45Stream 5

Internal Medicine

Speaker Diagnostic approach to feline infectious peritonitis
2024-09-05 09:50-10:35 2024-09-05,09:50-10:35Stream 5

Internal Medicine

Speaker Approaches to treatment of feline infectious peritonitis