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Paula Hotston Moore
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Paula qualified as a UK Registered Veterinary Nurse in 1988 and has had a clinical veterinary nursing career that has spanned general practice, referral practice and a veterinary school. Paula enjoys sharing knowledge with others and moved into veterinary education, working at Bristol veterinary school UK for thirteen years; spending two years in China where she undertook teaching webinars, practical training workshops and teaching for a large veterinary corporate and a veterinary continuing education company. Back home in the UK Paula worked for an international veterinary CPD company and is now self employed in veterinary education and assessment. 






Date Time Local Time Room Session Role Topic
2024-09-03 09:00-09:45 2024-09-03,09:00-09:45Stream 9


Speaker The Art and Science of Endoscope Management in Veterinary Practice
2024-09-05 12:05-12:50 2024-09-05,12:05-12:50Stream 9


Speaker Managing the BOAS Patient: Comprehensive Care Before and After Surgery